Reducing Head, Back, and Joint Pain Safely

Pain is more common now than ever before! In fact, on the day you reading this, over 20 million people took a pain medication. Whether is was Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Tylenol, or Bayer aspirin, every one of these medicine comes with some risk. On July 9th of this year (2015), the FDA put out a warning regarding the dangers of using NSAIDs for pain relief. These warnings stated that the risk of heart attack or stroke goes up within the first few days of taking these medications. So…people are turning to Tylenol or acetaminophen. But…over 16,000 people will visit the emergency room for acetaminophen complications and over 150 will die every year. So…people are turing to aspirin. But…research is now showing us that even low-dose aspirin can cause a leaky gut and lead to stomach and intestinal problems. So what are you supposed to do for your migraines, back pain, neck pain, and arthritis? You will need to watch this video to find out!!!

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